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SSC CGL (Combined Graduate Level) Tier1 Exam Hall Tickets Download 2012

SSC CGL (Combined Graduate Level) Tier1 Exam Hall Tickets Download 2012 

SSC Combined Graduate Level (CGL) exam hall tickets download 2012, www.ssc.nic.in, SSC CGL Tier I Hall Tickets Download 2012, SSC CGL Exam Admit Cards Download, ssc graduate level exam hall tickets download 2012, www.ssconline.nic.in, ssc combined graduate level examination admit cards download 2012, staff selection commission cgl tier1 exam hall tickets download 2012, ssc cgl exam 2012 hall tickets download

The SSC CGL exam application submission procedure ended on 20th April 2012 now the candidates are looking to download their SSC CGL Admit card, hall ticket 2012. Staff   Selection Commission will conduct the  Tier 1 examination of Combined Graduate Level Recruitment on 1st and 8th July 2012. The commission is providing online admit cards to the candidates through its network of regional offices. Candidates can avail the facility of online duplicate admit cards from the regional websites of Staff Selection Commission.  We are providing the region and the direct download link for the Combined Graduate Level Examination Admit Card:

You should get the admit card by post. But sometimes, the admit card can not reach at home because of some problems. You can get the hall ticket no in the admit card. So, to print the admit card, follow these steps. Different websites are available for different regions.

Here are the list of website which will help you to download admit cards of SSC Graduate level Exam 2012.

northern : http://sscnr.net.in/newlook/site/index.aspx

eastern : http://www.sscer.org/

western : http://www.sscwr.net/

southern : http://www.sscsr.gov.in/


central : http://www.ssc-cr.org/

northwestern : http://www.sscnwr.org/index.php

northeastern : http://www.sscner.org.in/

Eastern region: http://www.sscer.org/

Kerala-Karnataka Region:http://www.ssckkr.kar.nic.in/

Southern Region:http://www.sscsr.gov.in/

Norther-Eastern Region:http://www.sscner.org.in/

Western Region:http://www.sscwr.net/

Madhya Pradesh Region:http://www.sscmpr.org/

Central Region:http://www.ssc-cr.org/

North Western Region:http://www.sscnwr.org/

Northern Region:http://www.sscnr.net.in/

SSC Northern Region- www.sscnr.net.in (Download)

SSC Karnataka Kerala Region- http://www.ssckkr.kar.nic.in/ (Download)

SSC Southern Region- http://www.sscsr.gov.in/ (Forenoon) (Afternoon)

SSC North East Region- http://www.sscner.org.in/ (Download)

SSC Western Region- http://www.sscwr.net (Download) 

SSC Madhya Pradesh Region- http://www.sscmpr.org/ (Download)

SSC Central Region- www.ssc-cr.org (Download)

SSC North West Region- www.sscnwr.org (Download)

U can visit your regional website and find your admit card…

You have to go to that website and click on the the option to get the roll no. To get the admit card, you should give your name and date of birth. Then you have to back and click on the option to download the admit card. After that you have to give your roll no and date of birth to get the admit card. At last you have to print this admit card. These are all about the download of the admit card.

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