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Requirement of Experienced Non-Executive Personnel | www.iocl.com

Requirement of Experienced Non-Executive Personnel | www.iocl.com

Indian Oil Corporation Limited Non Executive Posts,www.iocl.com,iocl non executive posts, non executive post on iocl, non executve posts on indian oil corporation, non executive recruitment on iocl, recruitments on iocl non executive personal, indian oil corporation non executive rercuitments, iocl non exective recruitments, non executive recruitments, iocl, indian oil corporation limited, non executive recruitments on iocl,

Indian Oil Corporation Limited is the largest commercial enterprise in India and a Fortune’s “Global 500” company with a Global ranking of 98.

Gujarat Refinery, the flagship refinery of IndianOil invites applications from bright, energetic and result oriented candidates of Indian Nationality for the following positions in the Pay Scale of Rs. 11,900/- – 32,000/-.

Age Limit -Between 18 years – 26 years.Relaxation in age by 5 years for SC/ST candidates and 3 years for OBC candidates. Age relaxation for Ex-servicemen as per Govt. Directives.

Selection Proces:- The candidates meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria/ experience requirement will undergo Written Test.Candidates short-listed after the written test shall be subjected to Personal Interview. Candidates will have to qualify at each stage of selection process successfully for being adjudged suitable for selection.

 Posts -

1. Jr. Engg Asst-IV (Production)

2.Jr. Engg Asst-IV (Electrical)

3.Jr. Engg Asst-IV (TPS)

4.Jr. Engg Asst-IV(M-P&C)

Educational Qualification-  

Chemical/Petro Chemical/Electrical/Electronics/Power Electronics/ Diploma in Mechanical Engineering/with B.SC (Chemistry)


Minimum 3 years Experience in the above specified Recruitments.

Last Date Aug – 27-2012 

Apply – Applications has to send only on post.

Click Here

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