CBSE class 12 results 2012 | ICBSE 12th Class Results 2012 |
Candidates are waiting for CBSE Class 12 Result 2012 for long Time. Long Wait is Over and CBSE Board Result 2012 is going to be Declared
CBSE Class 12 Results 2012 on May 28
A total of 6, 99,129 students appeared for the CBSE Class 12 Examinations this year, which was held from March 1 to April 13, 2012
The CBSE Class 12 results 2012 date should be here soon for students awaiting their scores. The latest reports indicate that Class XII will know where they stand by Monday. This news arrives as Class 10 has already obtained their results.
The results will arrive by 11 AM on Monday, May 28th. Meanwhile, India Today has reported that there was no official confirmation for the Class 12 results date.
This is after much delay and anxiousness amongst the student community about the CBSE Results that the Board has come out with an announcement on the same.
Hopefully the official date will be the 28th, as these students in particular must be experiencing a lot of nervousness awaiting their marks. With the CBSE 2012 results they will be able to journey forth into their future plans in education, which will likely lead to their careers. Once results are declared, students will be able to check several websites to get their scores.
Click here for CBSE 12th Class Results 2012
Results also available on these websites.

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